4 Things a Parent Should Know About Their Preschool's Learning Approach

A few years ago, I started thinking about different things that I wanted to do with my life, and it occurred to me that I really needed to go back to school. I didn't want to be stuck in the same dead-end job, so I invested a lot of time and energy into carefully deciding what to go into. After a lot of consideration, I realized that working in the medical field would be perfect for me. I started looking around at different schools, and I was able to select a place that I felt really good about. They were easy to work with and offered a huge variety of degrees that matched my skill set. Check out this blog for more information on selecting the right degree.

4 Things a Parent Should Know About Their Preschool's Learning Approach

4 Things a Parent Should Know About Their Preschool's Learning Approach

5 June 2017
Education & Development, Articles

In the United States, so may preschool approaches are used that it can be easy for a parent to get overwhelmed trying to understand them all. While trying to choose a preschool, you may find yourself wondering what the difference is between the Montessori method and the Reggio Emilia approach. Or you may feel lost trying to decide between academic and play-based programs. 

The truth is that each preschool program creates its own style. Their style may be based on a certain approach and their teachers may utilize a certain method, but each school creates a unique environment for its participants. That means you don't actually have to study all of the learning approaches to make a decision about your child's school. You just need to understand your potential preschool's stance on the following four issues. 

How Much Time Will Your Child Be Active During the Day?

Many parents worry about how much creative, free play a child will get as opposed to structured play. You may worry your shy child will not participate enthusiastically in group play or that your loud, rambunctious child cannot complete solo projects. However, preschools will teach the skills necessary to engage in the type of play they promote. A more important question to ask is how much play time your child will get. 

If you have a high-energy preschooler, it is important to choose a preschool program that allows them to spend most of the day in active play. If your child is low-energy, you can feel free to select a program that offers more quiet, sitting activities such as pre-reading skills, story time, and other academic precursors. 

What Is the Teacher's Role In the Classroom? 

Many preschools are switching to child-centered learning. This allows the child to direct activities based on their skill level and interest. However, how preschools accomplish this can be vary. In some preschools, the teacher will play the role of the instigator, asking questions and offering ideas to children. In other programs, teachers will take a completely passive role, provoking the children to ask more questions on their own. Some teachers will lead activities and others will simply set boundaries while allowing the child to lead. 

How engaged or passive a teacher is in directing the learning will depend on your child's disposition. Some children flourish in fully child-led programs. Others need a little more teacher influence and structure.  

What Are the Parents' Role in the Program?

Some programs demand a lot of support from parents. You may be asked to attend monthly meetings and to volunteer several times throughout the year. Or you may be encouraged to adopt some of the preschool methods into your home life. If you are a busy parent and cannot devote a lot of time during school hours, you should look for a program that does not demand as much from parents. But if your schedule is flexible, you may like the engagement of high parent-involvement at your child's school. 

Will Your Child Learn the Skills They Need to Enroll in the Kindergarten of Your Choice? 

Ultimately, preschool is preparation for kindergarten. If you already have a school picked out for your child, you should find out their entrance requirements. Some schools require kindergarten students to recognize letters and numbers and recite the alphabet. Some have no academic requirements but insist that children show certain social skills such as being able to sit still for a period of time and the ability to interact with classmates and teachers. These requirements will help guide your search for the perfect preschool. 

You do not have to know the specifics of each educational approach to pick the best preschool for your child. Instead, concentrate on the way each school addresses these four issues to make an informed decision. 

About Me
Selecting A Degree

A few years ago, I started thinking about different things that I wanted to do with my life, and it occurred to me that I really needed to go back to school. I didn't want to be stuck in the same dead-end job, so I invested a lot of time and energy into carefully deciding what to go into. After a lot of consideration, I realized that working in the medical field would be perfect for me. I started looking around at different schools, and I was able to select a place that I felt really good about. They were easy to work with and offered a huge variety of degrees that matched my skill set. Check out this blog for more information on selecting the right degree.
